Dali quote for the open copyright folks

In London, i went to the Dali exhibit. At the entrance, they had hundreds of “wacky” quotes by Dali about sex, his philosophy (and his belief that philosophy doesn’t exist), art and everything you could imagine. I came across one that made me immediately think of a few of the copyright crusaders that i know, so i thought i’d share:

Ideas are made to be copied. I have enough ideas to sell them on. I prefer that they are stolen so that i don’t have to actually use them myself.

It’s from an interview where he’s being asked about his art, copies and the public.

11 thoughts on “Dali quote for the open copyright folks

  1. John Thomas

    My attitude exactly. Plus, everything is interconnected in a network whose subtlety is way beyond our ability to consciously trace.

    His autobiography, modestly titled, “AUtobiography of a genius” begins with a statement something like this: There has grown up a mythology in recent times that geniuses are just the extreme points on a continuum of intelligence. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are a superious race apart.

  2. John Thomas

    My attitude exactly. Plus, everything is interconnected in a network whose subtlety is way beyond our ability to consciously trace.

    His autobiography, modestly titled, “AUtobiography of a genius” begins with a statement something like this: There has grown up a mythology in recent times that geniuses are just the extreme points on a continuum of intelligence. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are a superious race apart.

  3. Sean

    Fantastico! My opinion of Dali just shot up twofold. I wonder whether that was one of his random shock-value PR soundbytes or whether he really preached such ideas about copyright.

  4. mary hodder

    I went to that same exhibit in Roma last summer. Really interesting. Somehow I missed that quote however, so I’m really glad you decided to share.

  5. McGee's Musings

    Dali quote for the open copyright folks

    It does make you wonder whether those most eager to wrap protections around ideas lear that they don’t have enough ideas.

  6. doctor paradox

    i also agree with this concept 100%. i think too many people buy into the economic argument that “all resources are scarce, thus we must carefully guard and protect the fruits of our labor if we hope to make a profit from them.” of course if one is manufacturing plows, we would expect her to guard and protect her physical product – but creativity is not a resource that can be exhausted. it is a resource that becomes MORE bountiful with usage, not less.

    for me personally, i have far more ideas floating around than i could ever hope to implement in one lifetime. i would rather see some of those ideas taken and used by others as opposed to remaining locked in a vault somewhere because i might make a few bucks off of it someday.

    i suppose i can understand there are people who worry that they will only have a few good ideas in a lifetime so they have better capitalize on them… but it seems like a very miserly way of looking at one’s own creativity, and that one’s energy would be better spent filling the well rather than boarding it up so no one else can get at the water…

  7. Ab logger

    Het Dali jaar

    2004 is het jaar van Dali. In Barca is een mooie tentoonstelling over Dali: Dal. Mass culture, die ook nog naar het Boymans-van Beuningen komt. Wanneer precies, weet ik niet want die site is een verschrikking. Apophenia vond op…

  8. Ab logger

    Het Dali jaar

    2004 is het jaar van Dali. In Barca is een mooie tentoonstelling over Dali: Dal. Mass culture, die ook nog naar het Boymans-van Beuningen komt. Wanneer precies, weet ik niet want die site is een verschrikking. Apophenia vond op…

  9. Ab logger

    Het Dali jaar

    2004 is het jaar van Dali. In Barca is een mooie tentoonstelling over Dali: Dal. Mass culture, die ook nog naar het Boymans-van Beuningen komt. Wanneer precies, weet ik niet want die site is een verschrikking. Apophenia vond op een…

  10. Ab logger

    Het Dali jaar

    2004 is het jaar van Dali. In Barca is een mooie tentoonstelling over Dali: Dal. Mass culture, die ook nog naar het Boymans-van Beuningen komt. Wanneer precies , weet ik niet want die site is een verschrikking. Update: De tentoonstelling…

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