8 thoughts on “Why do people give up weblogs?

  1. Adam

    Or how about this… potential employers Google me, find my blog, and:
    – Don’t like what I have to say.
    – Figure I have too much time on my hands.
    – Worry about me blogging company secrets if I get hired.

    I recently had a very unpleasant experience with my blog coming up in a job interview, as seen by this entry here on blogging and privacy.

    I’m undecided what I’m going to do with my blog at this point. I’m thinking that I may start an anonymous LiveJournal for my personal / controversial thoughts, and just blog bland or uncontroversial-but-informative stuff on my public blog with my name on it. Or maybe one blog for my friends and family (here’s what I did this week), another for rants, and one for professional musings.


    It just becomes all to complicated at this point, and then I ask myself: DON’T I have better things to do?

  2. Adam

    Or how about this… potential employers Google me, find my blog, and:
    – Don’t like what I have to say.
    – Figure I have too much time on my hands.
    – Worry about me blogging company secrets if I get hired.

    I recently had a very unpleasant experience with my blog coming up in a job interview, as seen by this entry here on blogging and privacy.

    I’m undecided what I’m going to do with my blog at this point. I’m thinking that I may start an anonymous LiveJournal for my personal / controversial thoughts, and just blog bland or uncontroversial-but-informative stuff on my public blog with my name on it. Or maybe one blog for my friends and family (here’s what I did this week), another for rants, and one for professional musings.


    It just becomes all to complicated at this point, and then I ask myself: DON’T I have better things to do?

  3. Patrik's Sprawl


    Just having finished some work on chapter on MOOs and virtual environments in education, I thought I would take some blogging time. I just read Gile Turnball’s investigation of why people give up blogging (via danah). Time seems to be…

  4. Patrik's Sprawl


    Just having finished some work on chapter on MOOs and virtual environments in education, I thought I would take some time for blogging. I just read Gile Turnball’s investigation of why people give up blogging (via danah). Time seems to…

  5. Patrik's Sprawl


    Just having finished some work on chapter on MOOs and virtual environments in education, I thought I would take some time for blogging. I just read Gile Turnball’s investigation of why people give up blogging (via danah). Time seems to…

  6. Blog.org

    From why start a weblog to why did you stop?

    Favourite response, “General sense of despair with: a) myself, b) the internet population in general.”

  7. Liz

    I got an interview this week, simply because of my blog. This is the way I feel, here I am, this is me. I will not be your companies robot, I have my own passions and thoughts and I won’t pretend otherwise. As an employer, I would want an office full of creative bloggers. I might blog on their time? Spare me, like they aren’t researching their upcoming vacation plans with their door shut. If some “boss” can’t handle that, then *I* don’t want too work for them and I believe it is they, who need to get a life. Apparently, as a blogger, I have one and its there for you too see.

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