The V-Day movie “Until the Violence Stops” airs tonite on Lifetime at 10PM. Watch it!!! It’s a beautiful film and shows what V-Day has been doing for the last five years.
PS: Seeing as i don’t have cable, i’d be super stoked if someone would be able to record a copy for me….
Being that I don’t have a VCR anymore, I could haul my TV up the peninsula, if no one else does…
Being that I don’t have a VCR anymore, I could haul my TIVO up the peninsula, if no one else does…
I’ve got TiVo and a VCR; I can make you a copy.
I have it on my PVR. I can burn you a DVD if you want, although to be entirely frank it felt more like an Eve Ensler infomercial than a show focusing on violence against women.
::laugh:: I *love* the TiVo culture! I wonder if everyone i know who watches TV now has a TiVo… As someone who doesn’t watch TV, i revert to my old days of thinking of VCR recordings.
Anyhow, thanks for offering! I’m hoping that Fazal is able to burn me a DVD so that i can watch it on my computer…